Friday, July 30, 2010

Rose of Sharon... Battle scars from nature

Flawed with several imperfections doesn't always mean it's not perfect in my eyes. Everyone has imperfections but deserve some attention. Last week I was on my way out the door for a Lughnassa Ritual, as I was crossing my front lawn I noticed all of my Sharons were in full bloom. White and purple buds with their lovely centers just stood out but this one caught my eye. I immediately ran to my camera and started snapping.

Black and white shows the imperfections in a bold dramatic way. Enjoy.


Chewed up and spit out but still it blooms beautifully.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Aleyah: Reunited with Auntie Deedge

After Patti's shoot, I went over to my nieces house and spent a few hours with my Great-Niece. I missed you. I love you LeLe. I know Auntie Deedge hasn't been around much but I promise I won't ever go that long without seeing you ever again.

When you were born, I was there...
When you were two weeks old, I was there...
When you were a month, I was there...
But then some time passed... I missed your first smile, your first 'talk'.

And then some more time passed. I missed your first 'toofies' You didn't recognize me at first but you couldn't stop staring for the longest time. You wouldn't come to me but after 20 minutes you wanted your Auntie Deedge. Love you kiddo!


Your Mama use to do this face!


Taken by Jennah (The mom) Yay Jen!!

Patti's Angels (Part 2)

Back in November I was able to meet up with an old friend from HS and spent a great hour with her and the kids. On July 3rd, I met up again and boy did they grow in just a few short months! It was great seeing you Patti!!




